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Warmly Congratulate Tianning District High - level Talent Association Was Established And Unveiled


Activity site

Party Secretary Song Jianwei and the newly elected District High-level Talent Association Lu Wei together for the high-level talent association inaugurated


March 8 afternoon, Tianning District High-level Talent Association inauguration ceremony and Tianning District talent enterprise social service platform was held at the launching ceremony. Party Secretary Song Jianwei, deputy director of the Municipal Organization Department, the city set up director Yang Qi, District Standing Committee, Minister of the organization Lin Qinzhen attended the event. Mr. Zhai Xiaofeng, General Manager of Rui De Medical, participated as an member of the Talent Association and was elected as Vice President of Tianning High Level Talent Association.

Tianning high-level talent association is set up by the flow of personnel groups, the group aims to integrate Tiining high-level talent resources, gathered high-level innovation and entrepreneurship, to promote the transformation of Tianning and economic restructuring and upgrading to provide a more favorable start. In the election ceremony, the election of 15 directors, supervisors 1, elected Jiangsu Mingwei Wansheng Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman Lu Wei Tianning District High-level Talent Association, Changzhou Rui De Medical Technology Co., Ltd. General Manager Zhai Xiaofeng Such as 5 vice president.


Song Jianwei on behalf of the district, the district government of talent associations and personnel enterprises social service platform to congratulate the establishment. He combined the case to fully discuss the importance of talent. He pointed out that compared with traditional enterprises, talent enterprises with modern organizational structure, highly skilled and highly educated employees, the starting point of high product quality and openness to the capital market and other advantages, in recent years, I introduced a large number of high-quality talent, talent enterprises on the economy The contribution of development is increasing. He stressed the need to make good use of platforms, policies, industry funds and other means to integrate the government, enterprises, social tripartite resources for talent enterprises to provide quality services for the development of talent to create a good environment.

Yang Qi on the work of our district to fully affirm the work, he hoped that the depth of excavation zoning adjustment brought about by the integration of development opportunities, fully demonstrated the central city of functional advantages and industrial characteristics, with enough talent first resources, In order to promote the first strategy of talent, and strive to Tianning into a manufacturing talent and service industry personnel go hand in hand, industry talent and business talent burst together, high-end talent and practical talents complement each other in the southern region of talent, First class, making typical, tree benchmarking.